'Samsung can benefit from Chinese brands bans'

The loss to China seems to directly benefit Korea. This is so at least in the case of smartphones. If you talk about the smartphone companies, then Samsung can benefit greatly. Samsung can regain the second spot by the end of September, if not in the June quarter, leaving Vivo behind. Experts have said this. He says that Samsung will get a direct advantage of anti-China sentiment and the lack of availability of new stocks of Chinese brands' smartphones in the country.

Samsung's market share was 16 percent in the March quarter:
Neil Shah, Research Director at Counterpoint Research, says, “Chinese brands are not in a position to distribute products in the market even in the event of supply chain disruptions and demand from manufacturing coming to a standstill. At the same time, Samsung's supply from different parts of Korea and China is more diversified. ' He said, Samsung may also reach the No.2 position in the June quarter.
According to Counterpoint's data, during the period January-March 2020, Xiaomi, Vivo and Samsung had market share of 30 percent, 17 and 16 percent respectively.

Samsung launched 4 smartphones in the range of 10-20 thousand:
Samsung has also launched 4 smartphones in the range of 10-20 thousand within 10 days to further strengthen its position in the market. Currently, this segment is getting the most demand. A retailer said, "Customers have also bought several old Samsung models." Tarun Pathak, Associate Director of Counterpoint Research, says that some users are turning to Chinese handset companies towards Samsung. The Korean company will have to strengthen its position in the online market to maintain steady growth.

Pathak says, 'Chinese companies have a market share of 81% in the overall smartphone market. Chinese companies accounted for 85 per cent of the online market in the first quarter of the year. People are also doing more online shopping, so Samsung should aggressively focus on the online market. Prabhu Ram, head of the Industry Intelligence Group at Cybermedia Research, says the current market conditions have created new opportunities for non-Chinese smartphone brands such as Samsung.

He said, 'Affordability will be the main theme of the market this year too and brands will also have to bring their products accordingly. Brands like Samsung and Nokia have a strong brand connect with consumers in India and have a good chance of increasing market share. '

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